INOA is open to anyone with a shared interest in the reduction of drug abuse, the aggressive enforcement of state and federal drug statutes, and the subsequent improvement in the quality of life in Iowa. The Association is not limited to law enforcement and is currently seeking membership from persons involved in all aspects of narcotics investigations and prosecutions. The Association allows for three different categories of membership:
Active Memberships: A full-time sworn peace officer employed by any federal, state, county, or municipal agency; Prosecutors employed by the United States, State of Iowa, or any county or municipality within the state of Iowa; Criminalists, crime scene technicians, lab technicians, and criminal/intelligence analysts employed by a governmental agency or the armed forces of the United States, and others in associated career fields. Active members who are not sworn peace officers may not qualify for certain training as per rules of DEA and other agencies providing training.
Associate Memberships: Those who have an interest in the goals and objectives of this organization and/or possess a particular expertise which will enhance the mission of the Association. Associate members may not vote on any issue and they may not hold elective or appointive office within the Association. Associate members may not qualify for certain training as per rules of DEA and other agencies providing training.
Life Memberships: Persons who have served the Association with honor and distinction and have been voted to receive such an honor by the membership.
It is preferred that payments be made online by clicking the requested membership button below
New or renewal membership by mail in check, please click **HERE**